Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life.
You should say:
What the invention was
What it can do
How popular it is
And explain whether it is difficult or easy to use
Whenever asked to describe an invention everyone says the computer… but I think that’s pretty boring, to be fair. We all tend to forget about the other, more important and essential inventions that have literally transformed the way we live. For this reason, I’d like to talk about the fridge. Yes, the refrigerator! It’s so easy to take for granted because today everyone has one, but going back just one generation, everyone didn’t have one, and go back two or more generations and they didn’t even exist. Imagine living life without a means of effectively storing perishable food for days… It sounds simple, I know, but the fridge is what really makes such a huge difference to our home life, and it also saves us a tremendous amount of time. Food, especially in the peak of summer, can be stored for days and kept fresh – especially things like meat or fish which will most certainly go bad very quickly in hot weather. Did you know that the amount of food-related sickness has declined massively since every household, restaurant and shop started using fridges? As soon as a piece of meat is taken from a cold environment it will start to gather all sorts of bacteria, and begin to go off… to go bad. And when the bacteria take hold inside the meat, or fish, if you eat it the chances of getting sick increase significantly. So, properly refrigerated and stored food has been a huge thing for humanity. Not to be dismissed. Today fridges are not just popular, they are ubiquitous. We don’t even consider not needing a fridge. It’s just one of those things everyone buys. And.. many families buy two fridges – you know how people in my country love their food! It’s so easy to use as well – basically you just plug a fridge into the electricity, and it works – it uses a mechanism and a special motor and liquid, I think, it keeps the ‘box’ cool. All you need to do is ensure you set the temperature correctly. Apart from that, it’s an item that literally anyone can use without any hassle at all.
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