环球今日讯!【中译英翻译练习02】秒速五厘米 明里的信
Mr.Gui Shu
How were you recently?
It's very sorry that the weather was snowing on the day we planned to meet.
The tram seemed to be later.So I was writing this letter to you while I waited for you.
There was a warm stove in front of me,so it was so warmful here.and in order to write to you whenever and wherever.I prepared letter papers in my backbag,and when you came,I wanted to give it to you.So It maybe make me very embarrassed if you came earlier.Please not in hurry,just slow,juse slow.
It was such a long long time that we did not met,It was about eleven months ago since we last met.So ,in fact,I was a little nervous, If we met each other but did not notice .I really did not know how to deal with.But compared with Tokyo,this was a very small station. So I thought that we should know each other.But when I remembered that you wore the school uniform and tried your best to join the school club.I still feel you were very unfamiliar.
At here,I wrote about my mood which I wasn't able to describe until now.
When I was in grade 4 in primary school, I turned school to Tokyo.I really thought that it was so happy that I could stay with you.I was also really happy that we could be friend.If without you, school would become a very painful place for me.
Because of this,I exactly did not want to leave you to turn to another school.I wanna go to school with you together.I wanna grow up with you together.This was my dream which I had wanted and waited for a long time.Although I was used to studying here.(So please didn't worry about me)
But only myself could know that I still considered and many times from day to night that it was so nice If you could be here.
Moreover,I felt vert sad that you will move to the farther place to live.Although the Tokyo was also far away from LiMu,but I always told myself that anyway I had you!Due to by tram can meet at once,so I didn't worry.
But this time,you unexceptedly moved to the opposite of the kyushu area.It was truly too far to go.
In that case,I said to myself that from then on,I must live alone seriously.But can I do it?I had less unconfidence.
I must write down those words.In spite of there being too many to read.But they were all the sentences from my heart.
I like you,Mr GuiShu.Despite of I forgetting when I began to like you.However,I believed that I liked you in a very natural situation and impreceptibly fell in love with you.Because you can protect me forever.
Mr Gui Shu,you certainly got happiness and pleasure.Whatever any trouble and difficulty things you meet,you will become a man who was not afraid of everything.And I will like you forever,no matter where you go.
Please remember it in your heart.
Ming Li
作者:〔日〕加纳新太 原作〔日〕新海诚
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